This is the first time i have ever tried blogging and well ever since i have started out my very own blogshop (do visit at hee...) We might as well try our hand out in blogging!
Of course like all stories, they should be a central theme of putting the theme of this blog so why not centralize it around beauty and skin care? WELL of course it would be a goooooodddd idea BUT there are so many other things that could be discuss about as well!!! As a start i would like to start post some advice on skin care!!!

I could go into the scientific terms of what the skin is like blah blah blah epidermis blah blah blah...OH PLEASE, who wants to know that??? We are not scientist for goodness sake just tell us how to look good?!?! We are young only once and we want to look good!!! (and that should not apply only to ladies mind you) So how do we look good?
The simplest way? Actually there are 5 main type of skin type which we must take look first:
- Oily
- Dry
- Combination
- Normal
- Sensitive
- WATER!!! This is the most important substance in our life!!! Drink...Drink...Drink...our body needs it!!!
- Avoid touching your skin as much as possible! Your hand is exposed to all kinds of things! Imagine going to the toilet...although u wash ur hands...but still!!! OMG!!!
- Nowadays handphone are part of our life...imagine putting to our face...on the our pockets...AND then back to our face...if we have a microscope we could see the millions and millions of germs residing on our face!!!
- After a long day of school or work we just want to lie on our bed and head off to dreamland...HOWEVER Wash your pillowcase often and avoid wearing hair products to bed. The combination of hair products and facial oils on the pillowcase can cause blemishes.
- Never pick at a blemish. Many poor results come of picking at breakouts, such as scarring, infection, or permanant enlargement of the pore. You are also more likely to get another breakout in the same place over time.
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